Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thanks so much to all the people who've made these last weeks great! I'll miss you, Columbus!


thewildpendulum said...

oh my fucking god those are some cute people. fuckin lucky.

hugs and love.

Anonymous said...

"If the U.S. was a person," he later became fond of saying, "and it sat down, Columbus, Ohio would instantly be plunged into darkness"

-- Thomas Pynchon, Against the Day.

i'm surprised you still have that Smiths shirt. while walking home today, i had to do a doubletake at a pair of drifters, smoking cigarettes in the alleyway behind a coffee shop and wonder if your sojourn brought you to Pittsburgh.

Unknown said...

Yay! Everyone looks so happy. I'm glad you're feelin' the punk love and getting good vibes (and food).
