Monday, September 20, 2010

After a harrowing ride through New Jersey, including accidentally getting on to the Pulaski Skyway, (a hellish two lane bridge with no shoulder and intersecting metal grates that stretched on for an eternity) I MADE IT TO FUCKING BROOKLYN!
I could go on about how much I hated riding through NJ, but instead I'll just say how happy I am to be here!


Tiffany said...

N said...

House has led me to believe that NJ was a pretty ace place to live. [Jon Stewart & Kevin Smith have both convinced me that it sucks, but is pretty interesting] Aubergine capital of the US to boot! alas alas... Glad to hear from you! I hope [against that vile thing hope!] that yr Grail Quest is going great! Take a bite out of the big apple and allz <3