Thursday, August 28, 2008


Blog? What blog?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I made this!

I just came from a loft party. (yes, the same loft you were at. [nick, michelle, crazy pants])

I cant wait till y'all Cleveland folks get here.



love, cari

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bike scavenger hunt! Yeah! You heard me!

More walking around until then.
I wrecked on my bike volunteering for the love letter delivery service thing. Nothing too bad, just some wicked road rash. Me & bike are fine now. But it is AWESOME.
Amorous citizens come in, type a love letter on fancy paper, then jumpsuit clad "factory workers" assemble embroidered tags, bows, put it all in a glass bottle & clip it to a pulley system made of bike wheels & rope & yell, "Love on the line!". At the opposite end of the factory it gets sorted by zip code, then put in a courier bag & hand (wheel?) delivered!
I'm so excited I'm making terrible run-on sentences!

oh oh AND! (you may have got this as a text message from me when it happened)

There was a bad storm the other night, tornado sirens going off & whatnot & the landlord of the house I'm staying at drank a gallon of Carlo Rossi & fired his guns into the sky, telling us "I protect my tenants. I shoot that motherfucking tornado!"

woo chicago!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008