Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I just got the settlement from the accident last year, & I have a dream.
I want
to build
a tree house.
To live in.
In the bay area.

I have the resources & tenacity to do this, but.. I need a tree.
My brain is hurting itself trying to figure out how I can convince someone to let me build a beautiful arboreal abode on their property.
If ANYONE has ANY connections to property owners or crazy old hippies in berkeley, oakland, or SF, PLEASE let me know.
Jon Eckerle, I am looking at you especially.
my heart feels like it will explode. Not only would this provide me with a simplistic living space that I could build with my own hands, but I could reliably shape it to my needs, come and go as I please, build it out of mostly reconstituted materials, experiment with alternate uses for urban space, but.. I mean, I'd get to living in a freaking tree house! It would be amazing!

help advice encouragement please please please.

happy holidays


Friday, November 14, 2008

whistle tips go woo wooooooooooo

3x4 ft repurposed construction sign.

& it's hella reflective

I'm moving to this one when I leave cali

I'll show you pics when I reintroduce it into the urban environment. I'm doing well, too!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

suffragette city

hey man! Leave me alone!

or come to the museum of modern art with me today. For free!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

picture overload


Proudly presenting the most grotesque picture ever taken of me

These deer were super-close

I am not sorry for the 1000 anchovy pictures

Its hard to explain what's going on here, but.. basically...

punk bicycle circus rodeo.
Like, there were these hand made bicycle-powered
circus rides. Hell yes, I rode them.

my current situation:

Waiting for my bike to arrive. Might be sleeping in junkyard park at the end of the month.

but the bay is a-ok!